April 15, 2008

A new meaning of the phrase "cougar hunting" in Chicago.

This was all over the news coverage, even in WI.

Goto: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-chicago-cougar-shot-webapr15,1,5227121.story

The best part is the "About Cougars" section on the left hand side of the article. It includes the tip "Pick up Children Immediately" - wait, the cougar's children or our own? Hmmm.

And crap, if Chicago's got cougars, what's lurking up here!?!


Anonymous said...

It made the Washington Post today also...


Jes said...

People were out looking in the lagoons too yesterday after a number of sightings. Hope the cougar takes care of my deer problem :)

george said...

If Chicago police are interested in shooting wildlife, they're welcome to come by my place and take some potshots at the rats in my yard.


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