July 6, 2008

Results, Poll #24, Gas.

Ah, gas. Since t.c tries very hard to reflect the sentiment of the American public, I thought a poll on gas would be timely. I also saw that another blogger posted one and I copied the idea. But anyways, let's get to the results -

> 0 people chose $5 - sorry Lincoln.
> 2 people (12%) chose $6 - I'd love to hear the theory on this pricing?
> 1 person (6%) chose $7 - ok, I guess that's getting pretty high. You must have recalculated your monthly budget and determined this is the price where you have to cut back on gas.
> 2 people (12%) chose $8+ - well, I'd like to get put in your will so I might get some of your trust fund, Moneybags. Or, perhaps I should be asking to carpool with you in your Prius.
> 11 people (68%) chose "Buddy, I'm already there" - yeah, I hear you. I wasn't quite sure what to pick myself since I'm only now in my first automobile... but I do know that I park my truck on the weekends when I can (sometimes even when I can't). I've also been trying to ride into work when the weather cooperates. I suspect this is what most people, at least from the poll results, have been doing too. If anyone has some good gas saving or driving tips, please post them in the post comments.

16 respondents this week, thanks. New poll up now, and discussion post for the new poll added this week. Use it or loose it!!!


Anonymous said...

T.C. readers, I read a while back that if you live in your car like I do, clean out your car. Items not in use weigh down your car and give your worse gas mileage. I actually did this recently and did notice a change. Also, they say not to use reverse. This one makes me laugh, how often can you park where you don't have to back up, seriously? I try to park at the end of the lot, so this is possible, it also helps get a walk in too. I hope this helps.

Denny Yunk said...

I've been asking myself if a trip is really necessary. In the past, if I had the time and the inclination, I'd hop in the car and go. Now I consider the cost of the trip, especially if the purpose of the trip is to spend more money. Double savings if I stay home.


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