February 25, 2008

Results, Poll #5, Jean Washing.

The results of the denim poll are in and it appears we're all pretty clean. However, you might get a surprise:

2 people wash them after each wearing - Yikes, I wear jeans alot. Maybe they have free laundry?
9 people wash them about every 3-5 wearings - seems reasonable and is by far the majority.
1 person washes them about every 12 wearings - I mean, gold miners used to beat the heck out of Levi's.
1 person washes them only after a long long time. It's hard for me to say how long I actually go b/w washings, but I usually try to get them all done in one load at least once a quarter... like clockwork.

The next poll will be tied directly to a posting, but it should all make sense.
Up very soon this week.

1 comment:

pia said...

Interesting... I actually sat a moment and thought about this... I think my demin washing is directly related to how dirty the jeans "appear" to be. Having recently adopted a little monster (okay, dog), I'm finding my wears between washing has gone down dramatically. I've never been a one wear per wash with denim girl, though.


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