February 17, 2008

Results, Poll #4, Toothpaste Dispensing.

BIG news this week in poll-land... 13 respondents! This is a great jump and at least one of the new pollers has let me know they participated this week. Don't forget, tell your friends, it's as much fun as a bag of hammers.

So, this week's poll has closed and the reults looked like this:
- 3 people just grab & squeeze - I cannot live with you, sorry
- 9 people squeeze up from the bottm - neatly and with purpose I'm sure
- 1 person never brushes - I cannot live with you either, not sorry

I also had a unique result this week, a couple people felt that the choices didn't reflect their personal habits. They felt that they did a combo of the first two - for the first half of the tube's life, they just grabbed and squeezed; for the second half of the tube's life, they squeezed up from the bottom. This is interesting for two reaosns: 1. I never thought of it and 2. Thinking back, this is how it went down in my parent's house (ever try getting 5-9 people to all squeezing in the same spot?). Now though, it's form the bottom up.

I'm thinking of the next poll now...

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