February 3, 2008

Results, Poll #2, Shaving.

So, how many of us think that shaving (for a guy) is mandatory on a first date? Turns out I got 10 respondents - one more than last week, sweet! \

4 people said the guy has to shave.
1 person said flat out "no he don't!".
And the final 5 said it totally depends on the couple.

As you may have guessed, this tied into my "first date" post, and just for the record, after we talked about it on the phone, I went with short stubble. In the end, I was happy I didn't commit to a full shave. I wonder what the results would have said if I asked if a girl is required to shave (her legs) before a first date...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was the guy who said,"No way, Jose" to the pre-date full shave. Which you probably guessed, since I'm the only one of our friends I can think of who hasn't had a smooth face in recent memory. Last summer, I forgot to shave before a wedding at the Intercontinental, for crying out loud. That's just my look, baby, love it or leave it!


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