September 1, 2008

Results, Poll #32, Motorcycles.

The rumbling sounds and feelings that have overtaken Milwaukee this past week, thanks to H-D's 105th Anniversary extraveganza, should now be subsiding, just in time for the results of my motorcycle poll. Here's what everyone said:

> 10 people (62%) chose "yes, i love the rumble b/w my legs" - you guys are gross. Oh wait, I chose this as well. It must have been the best answer.
> 5 people (31%) chose "no way, they're death traps" - Hmmm, I guess this is where I'd normally quote some statistics on motorcycle vs. automobile accidents and prove to t.c readers that operating motorcycles isn't more dangerous than operating cars... though the injuries often are for obvious reasons. However, I performed no such search, so I guess you can either believe me or look it up and prove me wrong. Having witnessed (literally) thousands of Harley riders in MKE this past weekend, I would say that just about all of them are at risk for skin cancer - pick up some sunscreen!
>1 person (6%) chose "not yet, but someday" - yeah, take your time, don't rush into anything.

That also means that no one chose either "kind of, i own a scooter now" or "no, i only wear leather chaps in the boudoir" - this was a shame for me as I did spend some time looking up the proper spelling of the word 'boudoir'. I'd never had reason to spell it before, just speak it, often for comedic effect.

I'm gonna end there. New poll up now!

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