September 9, 2008

Armstrong Making Comeback?

This story must be breaking now to conincide with my Mellow Johnny post. It seems as though some (even ESPN) are reporting that Armstrong will be reuniting with his former Director Sportif and racing in 5 events next year for the Astana Professional Cycling Team (still sponsored by Trek, Lance's Tour winning bike supplier... and also the namesake city in Kazakhstan... "very nice!").

Nothing is confirmed and it brings up a lot more questions in my mind, namely:
> Who will sponsor Lance's shoes and clothing? Nike was his last official sponsor for both (even naming their corporate campus gym "The Lance"). But now, Trek is no longer a partner with Nike and is making their own shoes and clothing. In fact, Nike has basically pulled out of the sport of cycling altogether.
> Seeing that he's not interested in the prize money - who gets it if he wins? Maybe just split it b/w teammates.
> Knowing that Astana currently has the 1st place and 3rd place Tour riders from '07 (Contador & Leipheimer) - How does this team sort out with the addition of Lance? Lance prefers that all teammates riding in the Tour ride for him. Could be very interesting.

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