April 20, 2008


Strange how the new city you live in often reminds you of the one you left... here's a few examples from a ride up MKE's lakefront this weekend.

We'll start with a city in the 'burbs of Chicago, and the same name used on a street here in MKE:

Maybe that's just not a very original name, for a city, street, or otherwise? Next, on to something a little more interesting. For those that don't know, the local high school in Glenview, IL is Glenbrook South, located off of Lake Ave. Another pic from the MKE burbs, I'm not making this up.

Finally, this is something that doesn't really remind me of Chicago at all... but was so odd, I couldn't help but take a pic.

Sounds a bit wonky, doesn't it? I'm not sure what it is or means, but maybe it belongs more on the Shire than here in MKE. What's next, "Elf Gorge Drive"?

April 16, 2008

Almost gave up.

I don't know about your neighborhood, but it's getting to be pretty nice in MKE (at least for part of every week). In fact, it was purported to be 70F today. A great chance to get outside on a new bike, or go to the lakefront for a walk, or run on the paths.

And I am in the midst of such a new bike project. I can't help myself (though they are more costly then cellphones). This has been in my apartment for months, only waiting in the last two weeks for a very small part.. about the size and weight of a couple quarters. The part finally came to me at the office yesterday and I ran home to install and finish the build.

Handlebars - check.
Rims - check.
Saddle - check.
Complete road bike at 16.5lbs - check.
Ready for some sweet jumps - check (no, not really).

Also, if anyone wants to "talk shop" about bikes, feel free to ask me anything (hardy har, don't get gross).

Oh, and thanks to spiceyride.

April 15, 2008

A new meaning of the phrase "cougar hunting" in Chicago.

This was all over the news coverage, even in WI.

Goto: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-chicago-cougar-shot-webapr15,1,5227121.story

The best part is the "About Cougars" section on the left hand side of the article. It includes the tip "Pick up Children Immediately" - wait, the cougar's children or our own? Hmmm.

And crap, if Chicago's got cougars, what's lurking up here!?!

April 14, 2008

Quiz Show.

I'm going to try something a little different - All you need to do is put on your thinking cap and scroll down. You'll see the image and the multiple choice answers. If you choose the right option, you get positive reinforcement in the form of a linked image. If you choose the wrong option, you'll get negative reinforcement in the form of a linked image. Good luck, the negative is bad juju.

Note: Alumni or students from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will do the best.

This is a picture of:
a> The beginning of a pagan ritual
b> The beginning of the Black Chorus' concert at Krannert's Great Hall on the U of I campus
c> Milwaukee's Opera House

This is a picture of:
a> My company's courtyard

This is a picture of:


This is a picture of:


These trees are located:


This is a picture of:

This is a picture of:

This mini-sized, chocolate and carmel topped, custard sundae is from:

That's it, all done. Did you get 100%?
Serisouly, no more, go to another blog!!

April 13, 2008

Results, Poll #12, Life

This was the poll about "ending it all", which at least one reader had trouble figuring out the meaning of - sorry. I'll try to be more descriptive in future suicide polls. This one was pretty interesting in terms of results, at least I couldn't have guessed the outcomes. In another small note of interest, we had 16 respondents!! This is a new record, but the same person that had trouble figuring out the poll's meaning, also admitted to me she may have voted twice. This is now a hollow record... I'm getting depressed... who's got a bottle of Aspirin? Anyways, here we go -

6 people (37%) have thought about ending it all only once - Kudos to you, you happy f*&ks!
2 people (12%) think about ending it all about once a month - not bad, but it's also the lowest total, uh-oh.

3 people (18%) think about ending it all about once a week - maybe a little frequent for most people, but maybe they're perfectionists in daily life?
5 people (31%) have never thought about ending it all - Really!?! This seems high to me, I'd have thought everyone has thought about this at one time or another.

An interesting poll that I've been wanting to get up on the blog for sometime. Thanks to everyone for your responses... even both your responses in some cases.

April 9, 2008

R.I.P. "Na na na na - na na na!"

I have some sad sad news to report from up here in the Great North - many of you may not know the name Bob Kames, but everyone knows at least one of his creations. It's original name is "Dance Little Bird", but the name we all know it by today is "The Chicken Dance". This is the song that made Bob famous and was recorded by him in 1982. It also wasn't his only hit song as he had hit songs (many on the organ) well before that time. In fact, I learned he used to tour the country with the Army as something of the official organist.

He died today here in Greenfield, WI. He must have been king of the neighborhood. I would be pretty satisfied with myself if I knew every GOOD wedding reception used one of my songs to celebrate the event.

Rest in Peace, "Chicken Dance King".

Site Sighting.

Nothing long and boring (zzzz) today:
I give you - Hot Chicks with Douche Bags.


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