January 11, 2009

Results, Poll #50, Movie Seats.

Well, a fairly emotional topic for some of the t.c readership... some good comments this week too. Here's what the voters have said about the issue:

> 1 person (10%) chose 'i won't do it' - wow, tell me who you are! i'd like to get some tips/wording from you so i can use it the next time i'm faced with sitting b/w two spanks in the next movie.
> 6 people (60%) chose 'yes, but begrudgingly' - sure, this makes sense. most of us are nice enough people and do what we are asked. i really do think there is a way not to move though. explain to the person that's arrived during previews that you arrived on time for a reason and are not going to move. you could get kicked out if they make a stink, but maybe not.
> 3 people (30%) chose 'sure, it's not my theater' - you're so sweet. is your blood type S, for Splenda?
> 0 people (0%) chose 'i never 2nd guess it, i always move' -this was probably redundant, oh well.

10 voters this time... starting the new year off with a reduction in voters. maybe folks didn't have time at work with this week after coming back from two weeks off?


T3h Qu33n said...

I got two things going for me:

If they ask me something, I can tell them I don't speak English and start speaking Spanish.

I tell them the truth, I have chosen that seat because I suffer anxiety attacks and if I move, they will be bound to be interrupted.

Margee said...

I didn't vote in this one because I don't ever get to see a movie in the theater!


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