Most of you don't have a sense of what my 'hood is like here in MKE. Well, if you wanted to grab a latte and take a walk, you could see everything below, on FOOT, within about 25 minutes from my place (one way, not round trip). Most of it is under 10-15 minutes from me. It reminds me a lot of Evanston, but also parts of CHI. You're also never too far from food (three spots on the lakeside) or beer. Beer is everywhere in the city... more than I see in most US spots and rivaling some European cities.

Tennis anyone? This is also a sled hill in the winter. I've not used it much for that though, parents give me funny looks.

This is (IMHO) the flagship
Alterra Coffee Roasters location on MKE. MKEians flock to this spot (across from the marina) for coffee, chatting, sunning, etc.

This is a wonderful semi-public garden, coming down just about to the lakefront. I'm told one could rent it our for an event, like a wedding reception, but bring the $bling$.

Now they know how the birds feel.

One of the best spots (IMHO) on the lakefront. It's been given an unofficial name for the summer of "Bradford Beach House". It looks like Miller Lite has puked posters on it... but you can get food, beer, and watch the amateur volleyball players get sand in their shorts. Only about 10 minutes from my place, on foot.

Just a little garden nook on the lakefront. I'd never noticed it until this shot. If I hadn't been on foot, I'd have never seen it. Very "grotto-esque", in my eyes.

This believe this is part of a fancy french bistro style restaurant up on the hill. Great look, but lots of steps to the top.

See, lots of steps, but worth the view.

Just across Lake Memorial Drive from the beaches too.

See, all the sand you could want... even in winter.

And we come full circle back to the Alterra. After that, I deserve a latte... or low-calorie vitamin water.