September 12, 2009

Results, Poll #59, Sharing Poll Ideas.

Your mom always said it was important to share, but clearly some of you either didn't get that lesson or don't care what your mom said:

> 2 people (33%) chose 'yes' - sweet, send 'em to me!!!
> 2 people (33%) chose 'maybe' - does maybe mean 'no'? it did when my mom or dad said it to me when i was little.
> 1 person (16%) chose 'no' - c'mon, this isn't rocket science. you're sure there's nothing you've been wondering to yourself, like, "i wonder if everyone else flips off school buses full of children?". that's a poll right there!!!
> 1 person (16%) chose 'text me' - you chose this b/c you knew the poll was anonymous and I'd have no way of knowing who it was in order for me to text you - didn't you? Clever bastard.

I'm working on some new polls, be patient.

Ruminate on this quote.

A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward.
  - Jean Paul Richter

September 9, 2009

Nepaug Reservoir; Canton, CT.

As we looked for something to pass this time before our first shop visit, a co-worker and I found this little number hidden behind the evergreen trees in the middle of CT (look in the lower middle for the big blue reservoir). I'd recommend checking out something in your state too, you never know what you'll find (unless you live in Iowa, then it will be corn).

September 7, 2009

If you ever eat a lobster; Maine Fish Market.

You should review this post before you dig into a creature from the deep. My info is from a placemat at a wonderful seafood place in Connecticut called, funnily enough, the "Maine Fish Market".

[MFM serves lobsters in sizes ranging from 1 pound up to 11 pounds! They had one on the wall, stuufed like a deer head, that weighed 25 pounds - momma mia!]

[there are a few great parts about this placemat, like the view of the lobster leg straw recommendation (not really, you suck out that meat), but the best section, I think, reads, "6 - Separate the back from the body. Don't forget that this contains the tamale of liver of the lobster which turns green when cooked and which many people consider to be the best eating of all" - yum!]

September 5, 2009

Droppin NYC pics.

Yo, check it!
There is a reason NYC is one of the top cities in the whole wide world. I thought some visual aids would help illustrate the city of New York.

[all these night shots were from the rooftop lounge known as Mad46, on top of the Roosevelt Hotel - both pretty nice places, but watch out for the $12 mixed drinks... and the hostess]

[though not often taken, I have a thing for escalator shots, this was getting onto the E line]

[you should know that this is Times Square, no excuses]

Blue Sky Labor Day Weekend.

Pretty nice weather so far in southern MN, Iowa and now Omaha, NE.

September 3, 2009

A dog's life.

I direct your attention to the rear of the animal. This is a doggie Depends arrangement.
Should you do this to a dog - discuss.


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