Looking for a bit of an extension to being out of the apartment on a sunny weekend day, I decided to stop at Isles Buns & Coffee on my way home from the Loppet spectating.
And good thing I did! This place is a great little "hole in the wall" kind of place that makes finding new eateries fun. They have an extensive sweet buns menu, and even something for the kids named "puppy dog tails".
The cinnamon bun I had was very tasty, light, fresh from the oven... but what really puts them over the top, the frosting. Of course, each bun has some when you grab it out of the counterperson's hands, but here at Isles, you can add more frosting, on your own, with no one watching you or telling you to stop. In fact, it's on the self-serve counter!!!
Do be careful not to go overboard though... tummy ache.
Finally, I suspect when and if you journey to this store, you won't have to see and hear this spank playing his squeeze box at noon on a Sunday. Don't get me wrong, "Lady of Spain" is great, but staring at this guy's goofy mug while I'm eating is not.