February 6, 2009

Results, Poll #53, Bed wetting.

So, looks like we couldn't hold our water as far as filling out my poll. About the normal number of respondents and here's what we said about bed wetting, plastic sheets not included:

> 1 person (10%) chose 'yes, and still wetting' - you poor thing. what will you have to look forward to when you get older? I guess it all Depends.
> 2 people (20%) chose 'yes, and proud of it' - at least it's not just me this time. maybe it's someone else from my family? does anyone know what "they" say about kids that bed wet? maybe it's affecting me in ways i'll never be able to comprehend (said the 34 year old single guy).
> 1 person (10%) chose 'maybe a coupla times after lots of soda-pop' - sure, it happens. don't sweat it. i'd be more concerned about your high-fructose corn syrup intake right before bedtime.
> 3 people (30%) chose 'don't think so..."mom!?!" ' - like your mom would remember. she spent most of your childhood in the bottom of a hiram walker bottle or trying to dry herself out, let alone your urine soaked mattress. (i don't know where that came from)
> 3 people (30%) chose 'no, not that i can recall (under hypnosis)' - sure you didn't. and i never stole candy on a dare from the local five & dime. Five-finger discount Hubba-Bubba lasts the longest.

Sorry it took so long for results. My fingers get frozen and it makes typing difficult.
New poll up as soon as I think of one and can get online.

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