August 28, 2008

August 27, 2008

August 26, 2008

Discovering Discovery World.

I often hear that it's not what you know, but who. Couldn't have said it better myself when I found out someone I know works in Membership at one of MKE's lakefront musuems. It's called Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin (say that ten times fast). She helped my and two friends get in last week. Interesting place, this time I really will let the pics do the talking, no comments from me. If anyone has questions about the pics, post a comment, please.

You sure you don't have a comment after all that, c'mon!?!

August 25, 2008

A day at the "office".

Chances are the best day at your office is no match for even a bad day at Wrigley. I jumped at the chance to make my first day of the season at the "Friendly Confines" last week and had to force myself to sit through nine innings of Cubs baseball (the Cubs did lose to the Nationals, badly).

None the less, the sun came out, the fans were geared up, SpongeBob was the give-a-way, and the Old Style was cold (and waaay over priced at $6.25/16oz).

The rain stopped a bit after the 1:05 start time and the crew came out to take off the tarps. Something I'd never seen at a game occurred - one of the grounds crewmen got stuck *inside* the tarp as the 20-30 people ran it over itself to remove the water. Once they inverted it, the guy popped up out from under it, soaked to the bone, and hat in hand. Must have been some ride.

No batted ball has ever hit the centerfield scoreboard at Wrigley.

Ah, Addison and Sheffield - really I was just trying a phone option for pics, but it was kind of gloomy when I took this.

August 24, 2008

Discuss, Poll #32, Motorcycles.

I'm conflicted in this week's poll - on one hand, I've had my motorcycle license for over 1o years, but have not been back on a motorcycle since I took the special class down in Champaign to get the State of Illinois certification. On the other hand, it's about to be Harley-Davidson's 105th (kind if an interesting number) Anniversary and MKE will be inundated with Hogs. This does not bode well for me as I live on a busy street, keep the windows open, and almost all drivers accelerate up the block. It's going to be noisy.

Anyone else got a good motorcycle story? Burns, babes, or body bags?

Results, Poll #31, Exercise.

Wow, one of the lowest poll totals in recent times and also one of the most lopsided. I guess t.c readers are the most read and most fit on the world wide web.

> 12 people (92%) chose "yes", they have worked out in the last week - it is interesting to me that so many people reading the t.c blog do get out and active. I'm pretty sure it's much much less than 92% for an average American.
> 1 person (7%) chose "no", they had not worked out in the last week- perhaps it was an off week, full of stress and headaches, though exercise could help with these troubles; I should know.

New poll up now. I tried to spice up the choices after hearing no one likes to fill 'em out if it just "yes" and "no" choices (which could be borne out in last week's low total?). Go vote!

August 20, 2008

Window Decoration.

Warning: this is not for everyone. Send the kids to bed or put the ear muffs on their eyes.

One other shop I only *walked by* while I was in Chicago is known as Cupid's Treasure, and happens to be in the Boystown neighborhood. (ok, truth is i walked too far and had to turn around and go back on the same street, i hate that) Now, as I walked under the hot sun in a neighborhood I have always found pays off with laughs if you pay attention... I had to double take at the window front I walked by. It looked like this:

"Who would be shopping for bar-b-queing stuff at a Cupid store? Why did they dress up the mannequin like that? Or is that a real guy? Dressed as a "chef"? Oh yes, it's a man." What's that, you don't think it's a real guy either? Well it is. How do I know - would a mannequin wear an Ace bandage on his leg?

Look real close, left leg, above the ankle. Many thoughts raced through my head as this all came to me in seconds - " can he stand there motionless? doesn't he get hot under the sun and in a window? wait, is he wearing *any* clothes? oh, maybe he's not so hot."


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