But, I digress - Omaha has no reason to place this slogan all around town and on t-shirts. At least not anytime soon that I could see. See for yourself, won't you?

[if you've not heard of Scheel's Sports, it's a large Midwest chain of, duh, sports stores. Something of a cross b/w Dick's and Cabela's. they got everything a high school jock could want as well as your local deer hunter (including sausage stuffing machines, both electric and manual). and what better way to end the big hunt than with a big hunk of "Big Buck Milk Chocolate". If you know a better way, please share]

[this literally stopped at the red light in their old market area on Saturday morning. what you don't see is the parade of 10-12 cars, all with their own unique theme, that went by before the light changed. it was really really weird. and not, "like, wow, that's odd"... more like, "god, my mom is standing right next to me and she saw it too, i feel dirty."]

[awwww, cute kids playing music at the farmer's market. uhhhmm, not so much. more like a weird family of midwest hillbillies that found out they could make the monthly rent by making their kids play fiddles at the farmer's market each saturday. it wasn't too bad, but it wasn't too good either (there's also 3 or 4 more not in the shot)]

[and last but not least - the american family out for dinner. sounds fun, right? well, this mom and dad had gotten a "table keg" while their young daughter entertained herself (while her parents drank). not to mention, it was like 9:30PM and you'd think most kids would be in bed, or at least complaining that they didn't want to brush their teeth before going to bed with dirty teeth. sorry young lady, mom and dad have half of the keg to go through still - keep coloring]