March 29, 2008


I know everyone has trouble keeping up with my fast-paced lifestyle here in MKE, but I thought a recent quiet night out would make a decent post. The place that was chosen is called "Brocach" and happens to be a new Irish pub here in town. Now you maybe thinking - "Big deal!"... but having a good Irish pub in the town you live in is crucial for bar variety survival.

The front couldn't be more inviting, and it happens to be in a nice neighborhood, with views of the river and opposite bank's condo's.

Inside is what you would expect, but maybe a little nicer (even better than Chicago's Fado - yeah, I said it!). It's two stories, but feels small and cozy when you're inside. Downstairs is dark and warm, upstairs has a smaller bar and big fireplace, for cozying up.

They have a big menu and it's clear they would like people to drink AND eat... but having had some of the food, I think their best draw is the drinks and desserts.

I had a orange-fennel salad. Pretty good, but as a licorice lover, I could use more fennel. See the flickering candle - cozy, huh?

The Scotch egg was basically chosen for fun. It's a hard-boiled egg, wrapped in pork sausage and deep-fried. It's not gross at all, but also not as good to eat as you'd hope. Eh. Oh, it comes with Coleman's too. They even listed that condiment on the menu's description. (?) And we did have a chicken sandwich, but nothing to write home about... again, not bad, but not super.

Finally, the desserts. You can see from the pic I didn't get the shot before I tore into them. I had a bread pudding with cinnamon gelato on top. The other choice was a flourless chocolate cake with peanut butter crust. Both were very good. I could eat the bread pudding as a breakfast dish with some eggs and sausage on the side. And it's a shame we had them at the end - I was so full from everything else, I couldn't finish either of them. Yes, you heard me right, I left food on the table/plates. I'm still upset about it.

And don't forget, they have a great, full bar and plenty of Irish favorites on tap (beers) and on pour (scotches, whiskeys, etc). Plus, plenty of people coming in and out to make the night entertaining.

If you come to town for the Cabela's, but need to rehydrate before heading back home, stop here.

March 28, 2008

Grosser than gross.

So over the last couple weekends, I have been doing more driving than normal (in WI and IL). It has given me the opportunity to see 6-12 occurences of someone tossing a cigarette butt onto the ground. Usually it's from the little "smoker's crack" in the driver's side window, and the telltale "ash-flash" (the sign of a lit butt hitting the pavement). Am I the only one that thinks this habit is not only disgusting, but also against the law? I don't come to your house and dump out my grill's ashes or mail you my fireplace's soot. I remember driving an old car that had a small gas leak (also not very environmentally friendly, but this was years ago)... well, I swerved hard and wide each time I saw the ash-flash come out in front of me. I didn't want the car blowing up, with me in it.

Just this week, I was walking down the street and saw a young woman toss her butt on the street as she got into the passenger side. I was two steps past saying something to her... but if I keep seeing it, it won't belong before I let someone know how I feel. I just hope it doesn't consist of me veering my truck into the offender's direction and causing some kind of motorway turmoil.

More likely is the creation of a website that lists the license plate numbers of all the people I see doing it. It would also allow anyone else to add their own occurences/plate numbers. Would public embarassment stop people from tossing their butts? Maybe, but it would be fun and make me feel better.

March 27, 2008

I hate driving.

And let's not get ahead of ourselves - I don't hate cars or the freedom of going down an open road... but I do hate traffic and stupid drivers, talking on their cellphones, with their left blinker on, slowly making a right turn, on the same street I'd like to be going down, and giving me the finger when I honk with a "What's the hold up, Bud?" kind of honk. This goes double for highway driving in and around large cities.

To avoid the issue, I recently started using a route (or route) to work that takes me down the lakefront. It's basically like driving down Sheridan Rd. in Chicagoland's NorthShore. It's much better in terms of the amont of traffic, number of lanes, exit ramps. etc. And, it's not even that much longer in terms of total driving time, maybe 5 minutes extra time on a bad day (and that's assuming the highway traffic would be smooth all the time - it ain't).

Here's a look of some of the route, very near my apartment.

Not too shabby, if I do say so. (yes, that's Lake Michigan on the horizon)

But seriously, come up and visit. I now have a secret route for getting to my neighborhood and apartment...a lot less traffic, more serene, and quicker. A great backroad to Cabela's too.

March 24, 2008

GreenDimes Update

So, gas is like $3.50/gallon. Yikes. Seems like a good time to come back to the topic of GreenDimes. This is a relatively cheap service that will rid your mailbox of unwanted and wasteful junkmail. I signed up sometime back and have been happy with the results. It's basically $20 for your address "clean-up". If you move, you can get it redone at an easy-to-stomach $10 price. I thought I'd splurge and go up to a $40 package. It adds green extras... kinda cool.

It includes:
- GreenDimes T-Shirt (available in different colors, and from American Apparel)
- Re-usable, packable shopping bag
- EarthDay Kid's book (any neices I know reading?)
- Two "green" flourescent bulbs

They also plant trees for catalogs you get on your "list". I mean, how many J.Crew catalogs do you really need each year (esp the 17 before Christmas)? I know, I know, you like them. How 'bout you just go online instead.

March 23, 2008

Results, Poll #9, Peanut Butter

One of our more high-importance polls, with plenty of people around the world eagerly anticipating the results for peanut butter preferences of all the readers of transplanted.chicagoan. So as not to incite anyone further, into perhaps riotous action, here are the results:

4 people like only creamy/smooth peanut butter - do you have texture issues?
1 person only likes chunky peanut butter - They probably like Chunky Soups too...eats like a meal, you know?
7 people, by far the majority, are happy having either peanut - b/c peanut butter's is God's work
0 people are allergic to it - which I was a bit surprised by. I thought everyone is allergic to peanut butter these days, but perhaps not in the projected age range of the t.c reader?

Well there it is, pretty thick information that I'm sure will stick to the roof of your mouth.
New poll up now!

March 20, 2008

Pirates of Cheddar?

Johnny Depp movie is coming to Wisconsin
Published: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:41 AM CST

Associated Press WriterMADISON (AP) — It may have been the worst kept secret in Wisconsin film making history.But now it’s official: Johnny Depp is coming to Wisconsin. Gov. Jim Doyle’s office confirmed Tuesday that Depp will be in the state to star as bank robber John Dillinger in ‘‘Public Enemies.’’

The news that Depp was coming has been around for months as filmmakers scouted locations, held casting calls for extras and sought vintage automobiles.But official word of the film coming to Wisconsin had to wait until after NBC Universal signed an agreement with the state on tax credits last Wednesday.

The film will co-star Christian Bale and be directed and produced by University of Wisconsin graduate Michael Mann. Bale will play FBI Special Agent Melvin Purvis, who led the manhunt for Dillinger in the 1930s.Filming is expected to start in Wisconsin next month, but the governor’s office said there is no official timeline yet.

Parts will be shot in the Chicago area as well. Mann said in a statement that Wisconsin was an attractive filming location because many communities have high quality historic buildings. Mann and others associated with the film have scouted locations in Baraboo and Columbus and looked at 1930s-era cars from collectors in the Madison area.

Dillinger used a northwoods Wisconsin lodge as a hideout during his crime spree, which ended when FBI agents shot him to death outside the Biograph Theater in Chicago in July 1934.

I have also heard that casting calls have taken place for extras that will be used in scenes here in Milwaukee. They will be filming inside at the famous Oriental Theatre (on my best picks section) and outside at the quaint Downer Ave Theatre.

March 19, 2008

This SUX.

Some random travel news:
> I know some of you are wondering, "What IS flying to Asia like?!" I'd say it combines the fun of sitting for the SAT about six times in a row, while being entered into a few eating contests, holding your urine like being in the 2nd grade, and the uncomfortableness of sitting in the middle of two strangers at the movie theater, both of whom are usually bigger and sweatier than you. In a nutshell, it's rough.
> I cannot recommend the flying part to anyone, but I will say that the noise-reduction headphones (even the cheap ones I got) really help a lot.
> For those that didn't rush to Google and punch in "ORD" based on the travel posts - The airport was constructed between 1942 and 1943 as a manufacturing plant for Douglas C-54s during World War II. The site was chosen for its proximity to the city and transportation. The two million square-foot (180,000 m²) factory needed easy access to the workforce of the nation's then-second-largest city, as well as its extensive railroad infrastructure. Orchard Place was a small pre-existing community in the area, and the airport was known during the war as Orchard Place Airport/Douglas Field (hence the call sign ORD). [from Wiki]

Challenge: A brand new "Clean Plate Club" tshirt (in a size of my choosing) for the first correct comment on the airport referenced in the subject.


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