Showing posts with label museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label museum. Show all posts

October 17, 2019

Northeastern Nevada Museum, Elko, NV

When you're in a town of 20,000 for a night, in the middle of the Nevada desert, you find things to do. Lucky for me, Elko has a very cool museum on the main drag. I was happy to plunk down $8 for the privilege of sauntering through this place. I only wish I could have dressed up in period garb to feel more like the folks that founded the area. I'd have really liked some cowboy boots and a poncho. I made due though, check - it - out...

This is by no means all they offer, and they have a very large and cool giftshop as well, with many items sourced from local craftspeople. Very cool, Elko.

February 21, 2019

Marin Museum of Bicycling Part 1, Fairfax, CA

What an excellent and quaint museum of bikes, in a wonderful little Marin town, Fairfax. I liked seeing all the bike history, the "new" MTB history, Kate Courtney's WC bike, and even their small MTB Hall Of Fame display.

If you like bikes, old or new, I would head up to Fairfax. I was pretty taken aback at how much history of US bikes comes from the city of Chicago and even the state of WI.

This is in the parking lot, about 12-feet tall too.

Your own RD mod... yes!

Monocoque AL at its finest!

Check out that seatpost!

Don't forget to come back for Part 2 as well - all Cranks.

February 2, 2018

Chazen Museum of Art, Winter Trip Pt. 2, Madison, WI

This is everything I took in besides the special exhibit in Part 1. Enjoy.

Now that I have some feel for the place, I didn't really need to spend too much time there. I could easily find the special exhibit, then hit up some areas I hadn't seen my first trip. It was only about 45-60 minutes worth of time, and way cool to see everything there, some for the first time.

Didn't see the artists info near this table display, but it's probably not too far away.

February 1, 2018

Chazen Museum of Art, Winter Trip Pt. 1, Madison, WI

The special exhibit this trip was an Aboriginal display of their modern art, from various regions/tribes in Australia. I thought it was very interesting and more than worth the price of admission (free to enter, donations accepted throughout).

I learned a lot.

I thought the sheer diversity of styles, art and methods was pretty interesting. Plus, the colors. I believe they are getting much of their supplies for their surroundings... but perhaps now they use traditional paints and such. Also, I would say, you cannot get the detail (pointillism-esque) of these images from my pics. Even in person I had to walk up close to some of the pieces to see how they were painted/done.


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