April 7, 2018

Passagiare Due, Milan, Italy

On this 2nd walk, we went right into the heart of the "touristy" part of Milan, so I could check off some of the normal tourist boxes. It was a good amount of walking, but a great way to see these sights. It was pretty stress-free and such a good look at htis venerable city.

Sights include, castle, arches, a fountain, their cathedral (Duomo), and I really enjoy simple pics down streets in the neighborhoods...

From the Duomo area over the nearby shopping district...

And finally, about midday, we stopped for lunch at a local pizzeria. Full on wood-oven, even a celebrity photo of Julia Roberts in the mix (and I know what you're thinking, "why not Eric Roberts?", I don't know)...

After lunch, as we made our way back to the hotel, we found ourselves going through a more modern area, which has a distinctly different feel than their historic downtown...

April 6, 2018

Passagiare Uno, Milan, Italy

First up is a look from the balcony/deck of the office in Italy. Pretty nice place to eat lunch or grab a "heater"...

This second set of images were taken during a walk (passagiare) that afternoon in the local neighborhood that we stayed in. I started from our hotel and wound up going through some of their "Chinatown"...

These kinds of walks might be about a third of the fun of being in a foreign country, for me at least. There's some much new stuff to see, do and sometimes eat. I think it's a great way to get a feel for the country, city and people.


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