August 24, 2008

Discuss, Poll #32, Motorcycles.

I'm conflicted in this week's poll - on one hand, I've had my motorcycle license for over 1o years, but have not been back on a motorcycle since I took the special class down in Champaign to get the State of Illinois certification. On the other hand, it's about to be Harley-Davidson's 105th (kind if an interesting number) Anniversary and MKE will be inundated with Hogs. This does not bode well for me as I live on a busy street, keep the windows open, and almost all drivers accelerate up the block. It's going to be noisy.

Anyone else got a good motorcycle story? Burns, babes, or body bags?


Victoria said...

i had NO idea you had your motorcycle liscense!!!! learn something new everyday

eakoster said...

burned my leg on my dad's "scooter" as a kid. that was the end of that.

pia said...

sure thing. I'm currently sitting in a house with two harley's parked outside. :) I love NH.


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