December 16, 2008

New apartment = new levels of gross.

For the first few nights in the new place, I noticed a cigarette-type smell, but only in the evening. It started to irritate my eyes and gave me a headache one night. So, I thought I might have to clean some more things... what was left though? The radiators. Once I got down to their level, it was clear this maybe the problem. Not only did I confirm some former tenant was a smoker (found some old wrapper), but also that one or more former tenants had cats.

I spent over an hour vacuuming 3 different radiators, one about 4 feet long. I had to change the vacuum bag mid-job after sucking up tons of cat hair (that had also recently been painted over... least they painted, right?). I also found a bunch of stuff in and behind said radiators. Here's what it amounted to:

This pile o' life elicits a few comments from me:
- ooh, what a nice votive holder!
- how did you burn incense without the little tray!?!
- Miller and PBR bottle tops, fine by me.
- why two hair coloring brushes? (if that's what they are?) if you dropped one down the back of the radiator (in the living room), why would you then at some point drop another?
- the peace sign was literally stuck to the wall behind the big radiator. I don't want to know how or why. Peace.

As a corollary, I still hate cats. This maybe a bit much (though I just vacuumed up a cats worth of hair), but I think that cat owners are much lazier, by and large, than dog owners. They can let their cat do what he/she wants all life long and never clean up after it (oh sure, when the litter box knocks out company, time to empty). At least you have to commit to letting a dog outside everyday (and hopefully cleaning up after it). To be fair, I know lazy dog owners too.

[final note - as of this writing, I still have not confirmed that the irritant was the radiators, but I have my fingers crossed.]


Victoria said...

that is a gross pile!

Jes said...

i'm with Vic on this one.

Anonymous said...

So much for Minnesota nice, huh?



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