Showing posts with label ice cream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ice cream. Show all posts

September 19, 2019

Dairy Chef, Elkhorn, NE

During a recent visit to a sibling in Omaha, we HAD to make a trip to this nearby town for a visit to their local dairy bar. This one is called Dairy Chef and they're known for the over-the-top heights of their cones and cups of soft serve.

I was ready, but a bit full from dinner. Never-the-less, I had to step-up, literally, to the counter and order a "Tower". I chose chocolate ice cream and Oreo crumbs surrounding it.

This thing was a perfect capper to the night's meal. I believe I got through about half, then the sibling and his family took over - Phew. Note: this is not even close to the biggest/tallest cone or cup we saw that night. And Cone-watching is a legit past-time while you eat - looking at other people's cone heights.

If you're in the area, totally stop by Dairy Chef, I don't think you will leave disappointed or hungry.

November 29, 2018

Bonta Natural Artisan Gelato, Bend, OR

If you've read some of my post from Milan, you know gelato & I are fast friends (maybe too friendly according to the scale). But, I was in a new town, new state, and was faced with a new gelato place. I was compelled to try it. This is Bend's local purveyor of the sweet stuff, and boy do they do it right!

They have a good amount of to-go items and souvenir type stuff, but also do great on the main event...

Cones? No thanks. Just gelato, please.

Ah, finally. Come to papa!

They had many traditional and some unique flavors, all delicious. You can try as well. I went with Pumpkin (right in middle) and an Apple Caramel, I believe. No pics of my dish b/c I ate it too quickly. I also liked their pricing, $4 for a dish with two flavors. This is a steal, IMO.

I also noticed the woman and young man working behind the counter looked awfully alike. I said to the woman, "That's your son." To which she replied, "Yep". Kind of nice to see a family-run small business making such awesome product. You should have seen the number of kids getting stoked on gelato. If this is any indication of progress for our youngins, the future is bright for America.

When I'm back in Bend, this place is always on the list.

October 18, 2018

The Seaside City of Capitola, CA

If you've been looking for a place to retire, and can afford it, I think you should give this city a look. Beachfront access, beachfront hotels, beach access, plus fun shops, bars and restaurants. I'm not sure what else you'd need to while away your silver years. That's not giving it full credit either - it's a great spot for any age and is easily one of my favorite places so far in CA.

Don't believe me? Have a look...


Come, sneak onto the beach with me...

Let me know when you'd like me to take you there, tours available.

What could top off a day in Capitola better than ice cream? Nothing. Two scoops please...

July 26, 2018

Shanghai Foods, Shanghai, China

I thought I'd throw down some of the tasty eats and treats had in Shanghai. Some of it is pretty normal fare, some, not so much. Take a look and let me know what you think...

(some I ate, some I didn't)

Hotel breakfast buffet:


Starbucks is comforting to find...



Ahhh, German beer...

More spicy!!!

Pot Stickers and Soup Dumplings...

Quite possibly the most perfect single scoop of ice cream/gelato I have ever eaten...

It's so humid in Shanghai in the summer this chilled bowl began beading up with sweat droplets as soon as it was placed at the table.

June 28, 2018

Revival Ice Cream, Monterey, CA

After a decent length ride on the Monterey Peninsula earlier in the day and a great meal at Alvarado Brewing across the street, I felt I could splurge a little and get some ice cream. I saw both a froyo store and this ice cream store on my walk to dinner, so I made a mental note for after dinner. 

This one looked the most intriguing, and it had a short line out the door. Surely, something must be going on here. I waited patiently in line, with only a t-shirt on in 55 degree weather (my fault), but I think it was worth it. They put out a great retail environment for ice cream, and from what my mouth tasted, a very good product.

They do have a unique take on flavors too, but my tastebuds normally gravitate toward traditional ice cream flavors. When I crave or am buying ice cream, I find I don't often want something that tastes like tea or flowers or even fruit really. I can see the appeal, but it's not for me, broadly. Looking at the menu below, I also axed all flavors that were dairy-free. Why? Well, dairy doesn't bother me and I want the real-deal if I'm buying ice cream. Could I be missing out on an amazing non-dairy ice cream? Possibly, but it's a risk I'm willing to take... Chocolate Praline does keep me up at night though now.

Due to some conversation in line (which helped me forget how cold I was), I was pretty sure I wanted Bee's Knees and a chocolate variant for my double scoop dish (never cones, too inconsistent and slow of an eating experience). So, that's what I got... and I paid an extra $1 to add some waffle cones crumble on top (genius-level!).

Note: They had a "Smoked Chocolate" flavor on the menu while I stood in line, which I would have chosen, but it sold out during the wait and I went with normal Chocolate. I know, boo-hoo.

When I'm back in Monterey, you can bet I'll be heading to Alvarado and Revival again - recommended!


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