Showing posts with label nebraska. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nebraska. Show all posts

September 19, 2019

Dairy Chef, Elkhorn, NE

During a recent visit to a sibling in Omaha, we HAD to make a trip to this nearby town for a visit to their local dairy bar. This one is called Dairy Chef and they're known for the over-the-top heights of their cones and cups of soft serve.

I was ready, but a bit full from dinner. Never-the-less, I had to step-up, literally, to the counter and order a "Tower". I chose chocolate ice cream and Oreo crumbs surrounding it.

This thing was a perfect capper to the night's meal. I believe I got through about half, then the sibling and his family took over - Phew. Note: this is not even close to the biggest/tallest cone or cup we saw that night. And Cone-watching is a legit past-time while you eat - looking at other people's cone heights.

If you're in the area, totally stop by Dairy Chef, I don't think you will leave disappointed or hungry.


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