Showing posts with label spicy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spicy. Show all posts

July 26, 2018

Shanghai Foods, Shanghai, China

I thought I'd throw down some of the tasty eats and treats had in Shanghai. Some of it is pretty normal fare, some, not so much. Take a look and let me know what you think...

(some I ate, some I didn't)

Hotel breakfast buffet:


Starbucks is comforting to find...



Ahhh, German beer...

More spicy!!!

Pot Stickers and Soup Dumplings...

Quite possibly the most perfect single scoop of ice cream/gelato I have ever eaten...

It's so humid in Shanghai in the summer this chilled bowl began beading up with sweat droplets as soon as it was placed at the table.

April 8, 2018

Il Massimo del Gelato, Milan, Italy

As a dessert on top of this Milan coverage, I give you, gelato!! And Mama Mia!!! THIS is THE place in Milan, possibly all of Italy for gelato.

I believe there name could have two meanings:
1. The owner's name.
2. Massimo also seems to translate to "maximum" or "highest", which I'd say is fitting here.

Tucked down a quiet street in the northwest side of town, it's an amazing place to taste and try all the gelato flavors you've never thought you could have:

Pera / Pear
Giandua / Nutella
Stracciatella / Chocolate Chip
Fleur di Latte / Flower of Milk
Chocolate-Rum (Jamaican)
Spicy Chocolate (Azteco)
and so many more.

Just look...

I was only able to hit this place up three times during the week-long trip. Partly due to finding it late, and partly due to not planning properly. I would have gone everyday if I could have, and tried new flavors each day... still, I did alright...

Azteco (Spicy) Chocolate & Pistacchio

Straciatella & Giandua

Selfless selfie with my gelato "dealer" (she mans their register)...
I must also point out, like a Classic American, I went into this gelateria and placed my order without having Euros on me. Bonehead. I asked this nice older lady (mostly with visuals), "Can I use credit card?" No. "Can I use American dollars?" No. So, they actually let me take the first taste of their gelato without paying for it and told me to pay them the next time I came in. I went back the next day before dinner with some Euros and paid them. How about that though?!

And finally...

 Pera Williams / Cannella (Cinnamon)


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