Discuss, Poll #29, Libros.
This week's subject was chosen in part b/c I've recently been granted a Milwaukee Public Library card. I've also picked up this book after seeing the author on 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart'. It's been an interesting read so far. I should be able to finish the book in time for the poll, but I wouldn't say I'm a voracious reader by any means. At most, maybe 3-6 books per year. I'm pretty sure some of you rip through books like Augustus Gloop rips through a WonkaBar.
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Not to be a Nancy Niggles, but it seems like I always have a thing or two to say about the responses you allow us transplanted.chicagoan voters. Maybe you could have worded it "When did you last FINISH a book" instead of "read a book." I just finished one a couple days ago, but I started it a week or two back. So did I read that book in the last week or last month? (I went with last week).
I just took your poll. Not that I didn't already know this, but you have some brainiac friends (based upon the high number who have read a book this week). I have read two. Not that it makes me any better or worse. Actually, I think it means I must need a life!
I didn't write 'read a book', I wrote 'read a WHOLE book', implying that one would have finished it. That said, the word 'finish' would also have been clear(er).
And what would t.c readers do without your specific comments on the polls? We'd certainly have less comments to read, which is also less fun.
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