Showing posts with label madison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label madison. Show all posts

March 13, 2020

n+1 bike & beer, Verona, WI

I'm not sure the city and area of Madison WI gets the credit it deserves for being an awesome weekend town. If you have a 2-4 day weekend on the horizon, I would highly recommend this area for their small town feel (an technically actual size), restaurants, outdoor activities, Big 10 university, brews, coffee, and much much more (I've done a form of glass blowing here).

Anyways, I was in town for a weekend and with insider info from a Verona native, I wanted to check out this bikes+brews+coffee hotspot in the small(er) town of Verona WI. If you don't live in the world of bikes, the term "n+1" is a sort of inside joke. It represents that ideal number of bikes for a bike lover to have in their collection/garage. As in, if you have 6 bikes, the ideal number is now 7 bikes. And so on. It works out that way for most bike nerds too.

I have to say, this place did not disappoint in much. They had great service, beers, fancy bikes, coffee, and treats-a-plenty. The only thing I might suggest more of is more bikes for sale and on display. Now, I do understand that this is mostly a custom, made-to-order kind of bike shop, but still, people like to drool over things. And it helps plant ideas in their heads too.

I went in for a light brunch and was happy to sample a few things from the menu, like - cheddar-rosemary biscuit, coffee stout, ham&cheese sandwich and a hot chocolate. All were really good, high-quality items. I'd go back for more in a second.

March 1, 2018

Heritage Tavern, Madison, WI

This post's tavern will be almost a 180-degree change from the previous post on Chief's Tavern. This is a very much an upscale tavern off the Capitol Square in downtown Madison. It's not a "local", unless you live in a condo nearby, I 'spose. In much the same way as Chief's though, I really enjoyed this place... of course, for different reasons, and maybe some not so different.

It's in the basement or ground floor of a stately brick building, but still gets sunlight through windows at street level...

Once you're in it's very cozy, warm, and inviting...

They have a large bar down one wall, small tables with chairs and a banquet opposite, then a whole other room for dining. It's pretty big for how quaint it looks from the outside. It's well-appointed and nicely decorated, up-to-date design and materials. You can also see into/watch the kitchen from one half of the restaurant, which is always kind of cool.

They have a very nice bar menu and drink menu. I was just in for a quick beer at happy hour.

The service felt a bit "Madison", which means the student bartenders and servers are either disinterested in being attentive or simply haven't been trained how to yet. Despite that, it's a really nice place and relaxing way to start the evening hours. I would go back in a heartbeat.

(That's the Winter Solstice on nitro from Boonville, CA - delicious and smooth)

Pop quiz - how many images or parts of a fox do you see in this post? I believe it's their logo/mascot. Kinda fun and definitely unique.

February 15, 2018

Chief's Tavern, Madison, WI

Any place that has a WiFi password of 4BIGBEERS is alright with me... or so I found on Superbowl Sunday 2018. I'd decided to check out a bar merely down my street a few blocks and take in the "big game".

What a local WI treat this place is. Decor that looks like a 70's or 80's basement, almost no sunlight, patrons and a sassy bartender that swear out loud, enough snacks and food to keep you happy, and a nice dozen or so beers on tap, plus bottles of even more varieties.

My gastronomic portion of the night went like this:
Spotted Cow - this is a WI classic
Spotted Cow
Pretzel w/ "Cheese" - bartender apologized for "too much cheese", uhhh, this is WI, lady!
Bell's Amber, sure - why not?
Free Superbowl Sunday Pulled Pork sandwiches with chips n dip, baby carrots, and crudites - huzzah!!!
And for dessert a nice cold Atwater Brewing VJP (Vanilla Java Porter) on nitro pour - very good, imo

I think I spent about $25 in total, should have tipped more. Sorry, Sam. It was a good game, fun visit and I've already been back more than once (ok, only twice).

(Bundle up, Sam)

Notes 2 Know:
 - This bar is Cash-Only, which goes perfectly with the overall theme, imo. They also have an ATM inside too, phew.
- The kitchen has a small menu that's served until a bit after dinner time most nights.
- They have an "anytime menu" that you can get at any hour, but it's more like snack items - hot pretzel, nachos, etc.
- The have a system set-up with a local pizza place across the street to have patrons order their own custom pies and have them brought to your table/barstool. Lots of options on size and toppings. Delivered hot too.
- They have live music pretty often. Started at 6:30pm on a Friday when I was in.
- The Men's john is out the back, between the outer & inner doors. Trust me, this one's worth gold.

Here's a few more shots from the subsequent trips too:

Bacon n Black Olive, try it.

August 6, 2017

Eno Vino and AC Hotel Terrace, Madison, WI

What a great place to visit! The hotel looks great, the views from the 9th and 10th floors are like none I've ever seen downtown, the food was great, and the service was much, much better than standard Madison restaurant service (these folks were prompt, informative and helpful). I would recommend this place for anyone looking to do something special, small or large groups, adventurous or shy... no matter. Check it out.

Grab the one all the way on the righthand side of the main, first-floor hotel entrance, off Webster St. Hurry, jump in!

The elevator didn't seem to want to let me hit floor 9, so I chose 10 and then it started moving...


From the elevator, head to the big windows, then go down one level to gain access to the first-come first-serve seating on the outdoor terrace...

Then just sit back, order some wine and drink it all in... wine and views...

Brose... sparkling too.

After a pretty decent summer shower, we were treated to full rainbow views on the terrace. It paid to sit tight in our seats, even if we got a little wet.

Again, the skyline views can't be beat... at least from places I've been to so far downtown.

We picked a couple items to share from the menu and really liked both - Calamari "Fries" and a great Gnocchi with Pancetta.

I hit the restroom in Eno Vino on my way out and was surprised to see such a high-end and nice restaurant inside too.

I mean, it's got "Vino" in their name...

Awesome views even from the dining room...

Google this place up and check it out if you want something fun and unique. I'll be back again and again.

May 10, 2017

Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, WI

Though I've lived across the street (and through a park) from this botanical garden for about 9 months, I'd still not gotten around to visiting. There were some close calls, but my presence was requested recently, so I had a great excuse to go. To boot, one of the people in our party had a annual pass, so we got to see the free outdoor areas and the pay-to-play indoor arboretum. Both do not disappoint... unless you find plants and some animals disappointing. I did not. I found it a great way to usher in spring, with summer hopefully not far behind.

The spaces often incorporate art installations, and even this early in the season is no different. This was out on their front lawn before you even get in...

After a pretty long, dreary winter, it's nice to see colors. Thanks, Olbrich.

Now on to some plants - even this early in the year, colors were the order of the day. It was very nice to wander through and see what you can find...


From inside the large arboretum (greenhouse)...

They also have some impressive structures and fountains on premise, which gave another nice dimension to the visit...

A Thai temple or shrine...

A turret? Nah, more like a lookout... accessible by wheelchair, stroller, or on foot (which is pretty cool, imo)...

Finally, they have a great little kaleidoscope near the main entrance, you can see through two different views, and spin not only the viewer "eye", but also the live plants that both viewers are aimed at... it was a very cool display, with a small lone forming each time I went by...

I will definitely be back before another 9 months has passed.


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