Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

March 7, 2019

Sunday Marin Civic Center Farmers’ Market, San Rafael, CA

How could I stay away from the State of California's 3rd largest farmers' Market? I can't. And why would I want to? Sure, it was a little rainy out, but the food, the people watching, the community, and the FOOD.

Breakfast needed to be sourced, and it was hard... to decide which amazing offering I wanted in my belly! It turned into Deli vs. Pork?!

Pork won (and deli was out of salmon anyways... I know, it's rough)...

I added a local coffee purveyor too...

They also do something special for local chefs - they have carts available for them to handle their daily shopping, which I thought was genius.

If you can't tell, I am sold on this market. If you're anywhere near on a Sunday morning, I would very much recommend.

May 10, 2017

Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, WI

Though I've lived across the street (and through a park) from this botanical garden for about 9 months, I'd still not gotten around to visiting. There were some close calls, but my presence was requested recently, so I had a great excuse to go. To boot, one of the people in our party had a annual pass, so we got to see the free outdoor areas and the pay-to-play indoor arboretum. Both do not disappoint... unless you find plants and some animals disappointing. I did not. I found it a great way to usher in spring, with summer hopefully not far behind.

The spaces often incorporate art installations, and even this early in the season is no different. This was out on their front lawn before you even get in...

After a pretty long, dreary winter, it's nice to see colors. Thanks, Olbrich.

Now on to some plants - even this early in the year, colors were the order of the day. It was very nice to wander through and see what you can find...


From inside the large arboretum (greenhouse)...

They also have some impressive structures and fountains on premise, which gave another nice dimension to the visit...

A Thai temple or shrine...

A turret? Nah, more like a lookout... accessible by wheelchair, stroller, or on foot (which is pretty cool, imo)...

Finally, they have a great little kaleidoscope near the main entrance, you can see through two different views, and spin not only the viewer "eye", but also the live plants that both viewers are aimed at... it was a very cool display, with a small lone forming each time I went by...

I will definitely be back before another 9 months has passed.


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