Showing posts with label street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label street. Show all posts

April 12, 2020

Jessica Vosk @ The Cabaret, Indianapolis, IN

Confession - I didn't know who Jessica Vosk is when I decided to attend her event at Indianapolis' The Cabaret. I will say, I reviewed her info from the Cabaret's website sometime this winter and marked her on my calendar as someone I thought I would like - cool story, relatively young, and potentially full of energy. I didn't know her whole life story, never heard her sing, never heard her sing in shows she's know for, didn't know her famous roles, didn't know she used to work on Wall Street and didn't know she started this career later than most. It turns out, sometimes you just go with your gut and it works out amazingly.

I've heard comments since the show and believe I know quality performances when I see them - Jessica Vosk's performance was above par, super high-quality, and something I will not soon forget, especially since you can download her "cabaret set" on Apple Music (just search her name).

Rather than go through each little song and change in the show, I will leave it simply with a few thoughts - she's a pro. She started out singing her opening number from the back of the audience, walking up through the crowd, saying "hello" to some lucky folks, then let a young girl in the audience sing a line of the song - this young girl knocked it out too, and the crowd went nuts. The show was kind of like that the whole time. Standard cabaret fare with such a fresh spin, and an inclusion of others and her own stories, that it is special. Jessica is very very accomplished as a singer of this genre, as is her support crew (I mean, they literally all are professionals).

The Cabaret was also new to me and I could not have been more impressed with how fancy it all is, yet approachable at the same time. Anyone can come and enjoy the show. Really nice space inside, excellent service & cocktails (didn't try any eats there yet), great staff, even an amazing meet & greet after for a select group of donors and fans.

And no, they asked us not to be on our phones taking videos or pics during the performance, so I acquiesced. I don't have any images of her or her crew from the performance. Might be my only regret.

At the end of the evening, we went into their small gallery space for the meet & greet and I was thrilled again by many large works of art known as "paper cuts". These are really large format, esp for paper. Maybe 5-8' in height and so delicate, so intricate, we cringed any time someone walked near them or brushed up against them. Beautiful stuff to cap off the night...

(for some reference on size, that's the counter of a bar behind this work)

Now, Jessica was so busy with people pressing up to see her at the meet & greet that we didn't actually get to talk to her or take a pic, but it's ok. She'd given us so much of herself already that night, that we were fine letting her end her night and head back to the hotel. 

If you can't tell, I will hope to be back to the Indy Cabaret any chance I get. It promises to be a great night with fun friends. Does it have to be Jessica Vosk? Mmmm, not really, but that sure would be fine with me.

December 26, 2019

Clifton Avenue Street Art Gallery, Chicago, IL

As I walked to the L one day, I saw a large mural down an alley and felt compelled to investigate further. So, I did. Coming down the alley it was also clear this wasn't the only art piece on offer. I began to shoot the artworks and the info on each artist.

Please find more about Chicago's Clifton Ave Street Art Gallery below. I would, of course, highly recommend this stop if you're in the neighborhood...

Wow, cool stuff, Chicago. Thanks for the fun find.

June 26, 2018

Alvarado Street Brewing, Monterey, CA

You know what's great about America?! Beer.

More to the point, that fact that in almost any US city (major or not in most cases) you can now find a local brewery to head out to for some unique, often regional, takes and tastes of the brew we all love so much. Like the friends in Indy that often take vacations just to try beer makers, I've found I can find and almost always enjoy trying a new brewery anywhere I travel.

Recently, the weekend involved a short day-trip to Monterey CA. It happens to be home to the Alvarado Street Brewing company. I had been there about four years ago as the restaurant was just opening, but knowing how good it was then, and wanting to try more, I hit up on this trip too.

Of course, you might say, "But MK, you're not trying anything new!' Au contraire! Not only can a menu of a great establishment change in 4 years, but the beer menu should be changing all the time, year-round. I was not disappointed in this trip to ASB. I did have to wade through a shit-ton of beers in the IPA family (gross!), but it wasn't too strenuous.

They have gorgeous building in downtown Monterey. At least 3 distinct spaces - main floor, outdoor patio and upstairs landing...

I was also able to try about 6 different brews until I found a lovely Nitro Stout. Not too heavy for the day, but a bit heavier than I would normally go in the heat of summer (luckily, it was 6- degrees in Monterey this day).

I also chose a nice Hanger Steak offering from the menu. Well-cooked steak, but the real treat were the lowly potatoes cooked in duck fat. They almost melt in your mouth. I was delighted by this simple side...

I had decided not to get dessert here, but would have had no problem if I was forced too...

Finally, to hit the restrooms you have to go upstairs to a small landing/hallway. As I was washing my hands, a man came into the restroom with a stark white parrot on his arm, er, shoulder. It was pretty odd to see, and I wanted a picture, so I waited out on the landing (separate from the actual bathroom) until they came out. What the parrot did while the man was using the facilities, I'll never know.

Anyways, it seemed like everyone wanted to get a look at this "Emotional Support Parrot", so the guy set his bird on the railing for all to enjoy. Not the oddest thing I've ever seen in a bar, but it sure won't let me forget about ASB anytime soon...

Alvarado Street Brewery - do it up!


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