Showing posts with label band. Show all posts
Showing posts with label band. Show all posts

October 10, 2021

#needtobreathe @ The Sylvee, Madison, WI

This is going to be one of my longer posts in, well, a long time. Perhaps we all know the reason for that, at least the underlying reason... but also there's just so much that went on in a short time for this concert event. I won't bore you to tears, hopefully, but tell you the story of an amazing night.

About three months ago, my sister sent me a text and said she's coming into town in late September for a concert. She had seen tickets for a favorite band of hers and knew I would be around too. She actually bought two tickets and gave me one of them. I had never heard of the band, but really do like live shows, hadn't been to the venue before here in Madison and thought we'd make a night of it. Not to mention, when was the last time any of us saw live music in a (legit) concert venue?

As the concert night drew near, I still hadn't heard a single note from the band. I don't know, it seemed like I would just go in blind (or deaf?) and hopefully be pleasantly surprised. I mean, with Apple Music, it's really easy to listen to almost anything or anyone if we want to. Something just told me to wait. Maybe I trusted my sister, maybe I didn't want to feel suckered into a show for some crazy band. Meh, I waited.

We were also kept fully abreast of local pandemic info by the concert venue and Ticketmaster. We would need to prove vaccination (or a negative test within 72 hours of show) and wear a mask during the concert. Ok, we can do that, no problem... just more to carry in our pockets (or clutch).

Since my sis does not live in WI or Madison, like me, she was going to come up for the day. I knew we could find some local flavor in the early afternoon (we did), hit up a new-to-us brewery (we did), head out for some fancy Neapolitan pizza before the show (we did), and then head to the venue after the general admission doors opened to all (boy, howdy!).

After we parked the car in an inexpensive parking garage next to the venue, and before we headed to dinner, we had to walk by the venue and their tour buses. Well, wouldn't you know it, my sister recognized one of the band members (I don't know them from Adam). He was nice enough to acknowledge us, say hello, and stop and take a socially responsible selfie with an energetic stranger. Side bar - This band seems really dialed into their fans, more than I've ever seen, which played out all night. And since the show, this guy has liked two of her subsequent posts on IG. Nice guys.

Well, we got the beers in, pizza in and were heading back to the venue for the show. We brought our documents and masks and were happy to get in quickly. There was a pretty decent line to start, even after the doors officially opened, but it moved quickly and I don't think we waited more than 10 minutes. Now, once people were in, it seemed like masks came off pretty quick, but it is not so easy to drink more beer, cheer and whistle with a mask on. To each her own in this kind of setting. I'd say about 50% or more of the folks simply did not wear a mask during the show. 

We also had done a teeny bit more reading of all those emails from the venue and I realized that Switchfoot was an opening act (one of two, we missed the first act). If you know the band from the early "aughts" or heard some of their big singles now, you'd recognize them instantly. I knew them from my "youth" and was excited to hear and see them play live. I knew they would rock and they did not disappoint. The energy and care, even from the opening words by their lead singer, were perfect for the night. I was constantly surprised how crisp and refreshed they sounded, and Jon Foreman and his brother, Tim, were excellent hosts and lead-ins for the next band. Side note - they're just 2 and 4 years younger than I am.

We essentially walked into Switchfoot’s wall of sound below as they started their first song. It. Was. Awesome.

Before I move on to #NTB (as the kids say), I have to comment a bit on this venue and what the bands now bring to shows. Maybe I haven't been to good venues in a long while. Anyways, while this venue holds about 3,000 people, it is by no means and old place, in fact, it's a really great size for a relatively intimate show and has all the technology required to make it an immersive experience for the attendees, IMO. Simply look at the lighting above and below, seeing how many different looks they give their stage, it's impressive.

Switchfoot "plugged in" to about half the screen wall behind them and had their own lighting for the show. It really added something to the experience and made it a feast for the senses. On top of that, once #NTB started it was clear that they were prepared as well and plugged into the whole wall, had video cameras positioned on the stage (that then played behind them on the wall), plus many other immersive touches during the show.

Halfway into their show, #NTB changed their stage presence and took it down a notch to talk about their charitable arm, "For Others". Not only did they talk about their work and the work of their fans (through donations), but they also played a touching video and had a number to text during the show for direct donations to local kids in need. It was pretty unbelievable - seems like $25 well spent though - how could anyone say "no"?!. I don't think I'd seen this before during a live concert event (well, except maybe something specifically set up for fund-raising like "Live Aid"). Kudos.

After that "slow down" to help local youths, they ramped it back up again for another 30-45 minutes of rocking music.

And for those that have not heard them, I was very happy to hear them for the first time as their show began. I was hooked from the first song, "Alive", and never looked back. They played for about an hour and 45 minutes and left everyone really really happy and appreciative to have been a part of it. 

Almost unlike I'd ever seen again, #NTB talked to their audience throughout the show and made us feel as much of or perhaps more important to the event than they were. Does it sound like I'm gushing? Perhaps. Could all of this wonderment be due to most of us not seeing live music for 1.5 years? Perhaps. Even still, this was a great show. I've seen dozens in my years, from the Monkeys to U2 - this one is up there with the best.

They closed it out really well with a few more songs for good measure. I think most of us standing in GA the whole time were pretty dead on our feet by then, so it was time to say goodbye.

We walked 100 feet to the parking garage and promptly left the downtown area. No long lines of people or cars to deal with after the show. I think I was back at my Eastside haunt in 10 minutes or less. An ancillary benefit of Madison. Now that's a win.

If you want to donate: For Others Collective 

December 12, 2019

Freddy Jones Band @ Hey Nonny, Arlington Heights, IL

A quick but awesome night in Arlington Heights. Hey Nonny is a formal concert venue, with food and drink attached next door. This area of AH is right near the Metra line and almost all new construction. They have condos, restaurants, and venues like this in a couple block radius. They're all grown up!

These guys were the reason to attend, and it was a very small venue, not packed in like sardines, but also very good sound and an excellent show. Loved it, will be back.


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