Showing posts with label ansel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ansel. Show all posts

October 17, 2019

Northeastern Nevada Museum, Elko, NV

When you're in a town of 20,000 for a night, in the middle of the Nevada desert, you find things to do. Lucky for me, Elko has a very cool museum on the main drag. I was happy to plunk down $8 for the privilege of sauntering through this place. I only wish I could have dressed up in period garb to feel more like the folks that founded the area. I'd have really liked some cowboy boots and a poncho. I made due though, check - it - out...

This is by no means all they offer, and they have a very large and cool giftshop as well, with many items sourced from local craftspeople. Very cool, Elko.


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