Showing posts with label aborigonal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aborigonal. Show all posts

February 1, 2018

Chazen Museum of Art, Winter Trip Pt. 1, Madison, WI

The special exhibit this trip was an Aboriginal display of their modern art, from various regions/tribes in Australia. I thought it was very interesting and more than worth the price of admission (free to enter, donations accepted throughout).

I learned a lot.

I thought the sheer diversity of styles, art and methods was pretty interesting. Plus, the colors. I believe they are getting much of their supplies for their surroundings... but perhaps now they use traditional paints and such. Also, I would say, you cannot get the detail (pointillism-esque) of these images from my pics. Even in person I had to walk up close to some of the pieces to see how they were painted/done.


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