I've heard interesting names for the TV, like "idiot box", "boob tube", etc. These are somewhat derisive names that have come about, I suspect, only with the last couple generations that have become "couch potatoes" (another derogatory name) in front of the TV all day long. I mean, who could miss an episode of
GI Joe, or someone getting slimed on
Double Dare. "When I was a kid"... we were generally only allowed one half hour of TV during the day (for all of us, not per kid), prime time during the school week from 7-bedtime (which was about 8:30PM as a middle schooler), some Saturday morning shows before choretime, and maybe a late night on the weekends (though not SNL when I wasn't yet a teenager). All of this plays a role into me watching more TV now as an "adult" - what did everyone else vote:
> 12 people(75%) chose that they watch more TV now then than as a kid - good news for local cable companies and I suspect a good reason why we now have some "Super Stations" on the dial. But, it is the best way for me to see the Cubs' games on WGN.
> 4 people (25%) chose that they watch less TV now than as a kid - that's good news... unless you used to have your mom serve your meals to you in front of
Growing Pains and now, simply by the fact that you have to work for a living, you can't watch as much.

No one voted for "about the same" or "don't own a TV". I guess that goes to show how much inroads in the idiot box has made in a few short generations.
Thanks for voting and new poll and discussion up now. I gotta go catch the Tour coverage...
oh yes, i remember being ushered up to bed on saturday nights when SNL was coming on...but everyone else got to stay up to watch it :(
I think I watch more just because tv is better than it used to be. Not just the quality of the shows, but also the ways you can watch them. DVR's and tv shows on DVD are the shiznitz.
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