On the recommendation of a friend, I netflixed and watched the first 6 episodes of Flight of the Conchords the other day. If you haven't seen it, or to refresh your memeory, in one of the episodes Bret (which always sounds like "Brit") talks about construcitng his "hair helmet". This is a bicycle helmet that looks just like a poofey head of hair. You get to see it in the episode and it does look realistic. Of course, this is all b/c they live in trendy NYC (probably Park Slope or something) and won't be cool if they are seen wearing a helmet on their vintage Schwinns.
After watching the shows, I went to my favorite daytime haunt, Alterra (on the Lake). There, I found this man:

I thought he was wearing his own, very well done, hair helmet... but I was mistaken. It's simply one of the finest, poofey hair, semi-mullets I've ever seen. I think he ordered a smoothie too. Figures.
One day you're going to get your ass kicked by one of the Wisconsinites you're surreptitiously camera-phoning.
i'd like to respond by saying that after looking up privacy laws for the state of WI, i know that taking photos in a public place are not illegal... but maybe i should just work on my 50 yard dash instead.
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