January 22, 2011

I scream...

... no, not because it's below zero out, but because I figure if hot foods and drinks can keep you cool in the summer, ice cream will keep me warmer in the dead of winter - right? I'm willing to test the theory with MN's Sebastian Joe's premium Hazelnut and Chocolate English Toffee flavor choices tonight... and they have a cold weather discount (20%) in January and February - hot (pun intended) diggity!

January 16, 2011

More radiator cleaning.

Got out my vacuum's tech attachment kit (really tiny parts/hose) to take care of lingering hair issues in my rads (that's Canadian for radiator). I can't believe how much more came out. I'm scared to do the other ones.

December 30, 2010

December 21, 2010

Find the angel.

Can you see the angel? This was of my own making, the first one in many many years. Luckily, we are not for want of snow in MN.


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