Showing posts with label crank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crank. Show all posts

February 28, 2019

Marin Museum of Bicycling Part 2-Cranks, Fairfax, CA

Warning - this is a bike nerd posting of the highest order.

For some reason, I was drawn to all the different cranks on display when I visited the museum. So much so, I found myself taking at least two shots of almost every interesting crank I came across. What follows are the pics and tidbits of all these cranks.

1-inch pitch chains start us off... so overbuilt, I love it...

Look at this fancy high-polish crank...

This is a shaft-drive... from the 1890's... everything old is new again.

Cook Bros...!!! 181mm

Jammin'; Jimmy Deaton's Yeti from Kamikazee, 50t Chainring
What is the crank, TNT? I'm now told it's Grafton.

Ah, classic XTR...

Specialized branded...

Man, CODA...

The original SweetWings... Titanium original Cro-moly goodness...


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