Showing posts with label avocado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label avocado. Show all posts

February 2, 2020

Newport Coffee House, Evanston, IL

If I'm being honest, I think most of my "reviews" of places and restaurants on this blog are pretty positive, bordering on gushing. I don't have many posts in which I'm ripping a place apart. I think this is mostly due to the fact that with the information available to us these days, people now research new places pretty thoroughly and generally know what they'll get before they arrive to a new place. Basically, if I knew it is going to suck, I don't go. I'll avoid a bad experience and keep the blog posts positive. 

For this new-to-me spot in Evanston, I had not done any research, but, from the outside, it looked like a typical high-end, small batch, locally-owned coffee shop. A place where Northwestern University hipsters would love to go to have some coffee and talk about finals or something.

I decided to walk in on a chilly morning to grab a hot beverage to warm-up. I was going for a simple hot chocolate, but also noticed a sandwich menu on their counter. I decided, also on a whim, to try their avocado toast. I mean, most hipster coffee shops also know the avocado and I figured this would be the same. I could not have been more wrong this time. 

The drink was delicious and appropriate, but the avo toast was not. I think there were two main reasons for my poor opinion of this choice - 
1. The avo toast was not served open-faced. It was made as a pressed panini sandwich and served to me thusly. Let's be honest here, my 75 year old mother knows that avo toast is to be made as an open-faced sandwich. How a business offering and serving this toast would not know that, I can't fathom. To serve it as a "closed" sandwich made this thing mostly bread (a very nice sourdough at that, but I didn't order a bread sandwich, I ordered avo toast).  
2. The sandwich included mixed salad greens on the inside! And by that, I mean they pressed mixed greens inside the sandwich and served me the very bready avo toast sandwich that had hot greens inside. In my opinion, greens made wilted and hot is never done on a sandwich of any kind.

On the positive side for Newport, the space is quite lovely. Nice design, good layout, pleasant staff, interesting furniture, and simple helpful accommodations for users (like water & water glasses readily available, no-laptop table choices for people wanting to "talk", and bus-your-own tables drop off spots). It's easy to go in here and relax for a bit before heading back out into the biting cold of the Lake Michigan wind & winter.

As further proof of their care for the customer, they also responded to a filled-out contact form within an hour or less. I couldn't make the sandwich I was served match up with the rest of the experience and decided to write the company from their website's Contact Us form.

The owner replied to me quickly and also with valid info -They had only just begun serving sandwiches and were still working out the kinks. The owner also asked me for my receipt to credit the entire visit back to my credit card, which was also done very swiftly.

In the end, I would go back to Newport, 100%. I would inquire politely about the avo toast before getting it again - how is it made, how is it served. If it sounds anything like my first try, I won't order it. But, if they've made some improvements to the process and product, I'd be glad to try it again.

Overall, I would very much recommend Newport Coffee. If you like a cool, trendy coffee experience and a nice quiet setting, this place will fit the bill. 

June 20, 2019

Captain + Stoker Coffee, Monterey, CA

Spending the long Memorial Day weekend in Pacific Grove/Monterey recently allowed myself and the friends I was with to seek out some new spots. I brought my "standard" list of places, but they also did their own research and came up with some great new ones for any future visitors. One of those places is a coffee shop called Captain+Stoker Coffee.

For those of you not nerdy enough about bikes to know, the name of this shop is a reference to tandem bicycles. The "captain" on a tandem is the driver, the "stoker" is the person stuck on the back. In a sense, the stoker uses their legs to "stoke" the fire of the bicycle engine. Sidenote: this word, stoker, comes to bikes from steam ship or locomotive use - a person responsible for literally "stoking" the fire in the firebox to keep steam plentiful. Well, now that you know where the name comes from, you may understand why there are bicycles on the walls of this place. 

Not only do they brew up some great cups of java, but they also have become known for their avocado toast ("avo toast" to some). It contains most things you'd think of and some you might not - Fresh-baked sourdough bread, avo spread, crisp arugula, olive oil, pepper flakes, and a lime on the side to squeeze. Genius. They also have other flavors of toast, like PB+Banana and Cinnamon+Sugar, plus handmade sweets and baked goods. It was almost too much... to get over that, the 2nd day we went back we ordered almost one of everything. Smart.

Even their decor and lighting were cool, IMO...

No joke on the roasting works either, right there on premises...

Everything we put in our maws was tasty. I will be back virtually anytime I'm on the Monterey peninsula. Just go. If you're near, go.

November 8, 2018

Publik Coffee Roasters, Salt Lake City, UT

When in Rome... or Salt Lake City. This place was highly recommended, not only for their java, but for a simple menu of breakfast items as well. I can enthusiastically and 100% confirm that it did not disappoint. I would love to start my day here everyday. Come, let's check it out...

A welcoming entrance and patio, with puppy to pet!

A warm and inviting interior...

Well-appointed and stocked with delicious options...

This toast was l-e-g-i-t! You can choose from their menu or make your own. I chose the latter and added avocado, heirloom tomato jam, and hummus to a nice hunk of their peasant bread. Friggin' good.

Even a sneaky bathroom hideout...

Go to PCR!


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