Showing posts with label US. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US. Show all posts

August 15, 2019

Updated: How Many States You Got, Yo!?

Updated in Summer 2019 to include the highlighted states below. If I don't keep track, no one else will.

Just this past week, I was trying to recall how many US states I've been able to get to in my lifetime, and it prompted me to write them down (the ole memory isn't as sharp as it used to be). Here's my list so far (I ain't dead yet!). I'd like to say "in no particular order", but we all know that's not possible with me...

1. Illinois*
2. Wisconsin*
3. Minnesota*
4. Nebraska
5. Iowa
6. Indiana
7. Ohio
8. Michigan (Upper & Lower peninsulas)
9. Pennsylvania
10. West Virginia +
11. Kentucky +
12. Virginia
13. Maryland
14. District of Columbia++
15. Missouri
16. Texas
17. Oklahoma
18. Vermont
19. Rhode Island
20. Massachusetts
21. Connecticut
22. New York
23. Colorado
24. New Mexico
25. Arizona
26. Utah
27. California*
28. Nevada
29. Idaho
30. North Carolina
31. Florida
32. Kansas
33. Wyoming
34. Oregon
* Official resident at one time or another
+ Pretty sure I've been through these on a childhood vacation
++ Not a state but "Honorable mention"

Not all of these were for any extended stays or even overnights. Take Oklahoma for example, this was just as we drove through on a grad-school spring break, but I'll still count it.

Feel free to write your states or totals in the comments.


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