So, not too long ago, I went to the movie theater to check out something new from Hollywood. The movie start was listed as 7:30PM. Not 7PM or 7:45, mind you, but 7:30PM. I think most people can plan around this... drive time, tickets, snacks, seating, previews, etc.
As we can all probably guess, I like to arrive well in advance, perhaps even too advanced. But, I do none-the-less. I arrived, parked, purchased a ticket, and sat down right around 7PM. I got a great seat about 4 rows up, right in the middle. I was happy and relaxed for the start of my movie show.
Well, who doesn't come in about 10 minutes later (7:10PM) and choose to sit literally next to me on my left - an old, large, white guy. He had buffer seats to give. But no, bangs my elbow right away. Fine. I jumped one seat over to have that one seat buffer on each side. Someone was already one seat to my right. Sounds good. It's now 7:20PM and I'm literally sitting pretty.
Previews begin and the lights go to "half house" (?). Then it really begins. A large, white woman (maybe everyone seems large to me or everyone is large but me?) comes to the aisle in the row in front of me and asks at least two groups to move one over so she can have two seats next to each other. THEN, she asks a guy in my row if anyone's next to him. He says no (why don't people fib when asked this?) and then she asks him to ask me if I'm using it. Of course, I've heard her entire entrance into the theater and I know what's next. Unhappily, I just jump one seat to my left (next to the old white dude) and then have any buffer taken up on my right.
Great. The movie's about to start and I'm stuck in the middle of the row for the duration. The late, large, lazy lady in front of me has a great seat and didn't even break a sweat (though the stairs were numerous).
I guess it's not a big deal, but I would have liked to stay in my seat with buffer. I feel if you arrive late, don't bother others to get your favorite spot, it's not fair. Anyone else care to chime in? Call me a jag if you must.
totally with you on this one. I do not like to have a stranger in my personal space. And by personal space I mean at least the seat on each side of me.
no they shouldn't ask people to move; they should have gotten their on time. i too like my personal space!
funny movie story, my parents do not frequent the movies often because my father finds something to critize about every movie made after 1950. However, my mother conviced him once a few years ago. So they are sitting there throughout the previews; dad complaining about how he can see comercials at home for free, and a pair of some chick's underware come flying through the air and land on my mother's head. Dad is slightly easier to talk into flicks now that there is a prospect of my mother being humiliated. How's that for personal space?!
OMG! This story hits close to home. I received free tickets w/popcorn from one of my housesitting jobs. So, I took a close friend with me to the movies this weekend. Well, just like you I was really early, picked a good spot, ate a little of the popcorn (I was not feeling it) and people start filling in around us. We ended up with the taking family directly behind us with another couple on the left side of me, just chatting up a storm threw the whole move!!! Seriously, you can do that at home but I don't want to be bothered at the movies. Why would you pay that kind of money to talk during a movie, I don't get it. I didn't have to worry about the personal space because I put my jacket on one side of me and my friend did the same. We actually sat one seat apart from each other until we decided it was to hard to eat popcorn that way. Sorry it was so long, I just needed to share with all of you. CC
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